Customer Ratings & Reviews
What do the reviews & ratings mean?
The stars next to the reviewer’s name shows the rating they gave the product on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being most favourable. The overall rating, shown at the top, represents the average rating for all reviews customers have given the product. You’ll also see the number of ratings the product has received to date (we started this process in September, 2006), giving you an idea of how many ratings have produced the overall score.

Where do we get them from?
The reviews are written by customers who have actually ordered the product.
After receiving their order we invited them to tell us about their experience with our Two Second Survey™. As part of that process they also had the option to share their thoughts about the products they’ve ordered which are then posted as reviews. We do moderate the reviews before they are posted to be sure that they are complete (we’re not picky, just want to make sure they are readable – occasionally people hit 'submit' before they’re finished!) and are predominantly focused on the product, its quality, imprinting or usage. Don’t worry, we don’t 'sanitize' them (although any reviews that contain offensive language won’t be posted), as you’ll see both favourable and unfavourable product comments posted on the site.